Skimmed Milk Powder

Low Heat – Medium Heat – High Heat


Jackson’s Skimmed Milk Powder

Low Fat Milk Powder and Skim Milk Powder are very similar but are defined by two different sets of regulations and authorities. Low Fat Milk Powder is defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. While Skimmed Milk Powder is defined by CODEX Alimentarius. Both are equally obtained by removing water from pasteurized Skim Milk. Both contain 5% or less Moisture (by weight) and 1.5% or less Milk Fat (by weight). The difference is that Skim Milk Powder has a minimum milk Protein content of 34%, whereas Low Fat Milk Powder has no standardized level of Protein. While Our Skim Milk Powder has a Low Fat content with a Clean Taste and Excellent Solubility.

Skim Milk Powder by Jackson’s is classified for use as Ingredients according to the Heat Treatment used in their manufacture. There are three main classifications which are given below.

Low Heat Skimmed Milk Powder

Low Heat Skim Milk Powder is Produced by Spray Drying Fresh Cow Milk at around 72°C for the Removal of Fat and Water.

Medium Heat Skimmed Milk Powder

Medium Heat Skim Milk Powder is Produced by Spray Drying Fresh Cow Milk at around 85°C for the Removal of Fat and Water.

High Heat Skimmed Milk Powder

High Heat Skim Milk Powder is Produced by Spray Drying Fresh Cow Milk at around 110°C for the Removal of Fat and Water.